FAQs- 2000-09-13 - FAQs (Latest version) by GeeBee - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Latest GB Development FAQs by GeeBee can be found here.
- 2000-03-06 - FAQs by GeeBee - Posted by: Lukas Zimmermann
- GB Development FAQs by GeeBee can be found here. A must read!!!
- 2000-03-01 - GameBoy Color FAQs - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here are the FAQs for the GameBoy Color.
- 2000-03-01 - GameBoy FAQs - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here are answers to many daily questions I get asked concerning GameBoy.
- 2000-03-01 - GB Basic FAQs - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here are the FAQs for the GameBoy Basic interpreter.
- 2000-02-29 - Poor Man's GBDK FAQ - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Check here if you have GBDK questions.
Misc- 2000-03-01 - Game Genie Programming - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- New specs for programming Game Genie !! Now pseudo bank-switch detecting is decoded.
- 2000-03-01 - GB Acronyms - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a list of common acronyms used in GB world.
- 2000-03-01 - GB Camera RAM Format v1.2 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Use ReadPlus v3.2 (along with CARTIO hardware with cart pin 2 connected to ground.) to backup your GB Camera RAM and decode the data with this info.
- 2000-05-16 - GB Cart Statistics - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here is a list of many GB (No colo(u)r support) ROMs that were produced and their Internal Name, MBC/ROM Type, and ROM Size.
- 2000-02-29 - GB Cribsheet - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Now a full-color version of Otaku's cribsheet for GB/GBC programming is available. The cribsheet is basically a few sheets of paper that when printed out contain a massive amount of information in a very area.
- 2000-02-29 - GB Cribsheet in HTML - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- An HTML version of Otaku's cribsheet can be found here.
- 2000-05-01 - GB/GBC Opcode Summary - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Details the opcodes, the flags affected, and the clock cycle timing of each code.
Here is a more detailed Text and HTML version.
- 2000-05-16 - GBC Cart Statistics - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here is a list of many GBC ROMs that were produced and their Internal Name, MBC/RAM/ROM Type, and RAM/ROM Size.
- 2000-03-20 - GBC Primer - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Info on converting games from NES to GBC, some info on MBC controllers, etc.
- 2000-05-01 - GBSpec.txt - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Complete specs for programming the original GameBoy. Most all of this applies for the GBC as well.
- 2000-03-01 - Martin Eyre's GB Camera Page - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Information on the format of data sent to the GB Printer and an actual GB Printer Emulator for DOS can be found here.
- 2000-05-01 - MBC3 Programming Info - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- MBC3 info from bRILLO hEAD.
- 2003-03-15 - SGB Internals - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here is a general description about how the Super Gameboy internals work with the SNES/Super Famicon.
- 2000-04-04 - Thomas Scherrer's Z80 Support Page - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Quite a bit of information on the Z80 processor can be found here. The Z80 is very similar to the processor used in the GameBoy.
- 2004-10-25 - Z80 User Manual - Posted by: Vegard
- Complete instruction set reference for the Z80 processor (similar to the one used in DMG/GBC)
Patents- 2002-08-02 - 4-Player Adapter - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- "5396225" - Info on the 4-player adapter made for the original full-size GameBoy can be found here.
- 2002-08-02 - Algorithm for Game Saving - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- "5014982" - Info on cart save RAM usage is given here.
- 2002-08-02 - Fish Finder - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- US patent 5,926,438 was granted on July 20 1999 for a GB based hand-held LCD fish finder to Tose Co. Ltd of Kyoto Japan. Thanks goes to Andrew March for the information.
- 2002-08-02 - GameBoy Patent #1 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- "5095798" - Here's a patent for the original full-size GameBoy.
- 2002-08-02 - GameBoy Patent #2 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- "5184830" - Here's another patent for the original full-size GameBoy.
- 2002-08-02 - MBC2 Schematic - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- "5426763" - The internal logic diagram for the Memory Bank Controller (MBC) 2 cart chip can be found here.
- 2002-08-02 - Portable modular diagnostic medical device - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- "5876351" - In this patent a GameBoy is shown being used to monitor human vital signs.
- 2002-08-02 - Super GameBoy Patent #1 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- "5552799" - Here's a patent for the original Super GameBoy.
- 2002-08-02 - Super GameBoy Patent #2 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- "5556108" - Here's another patent for the original Super GameBoy.
- 2002-08-02 - Super GameBoy Photos - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- "D371353" - Here's a patent that includes photos of the Super GameBoy.
Tutorials- 2000-05-03 - ASMSchool - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- It covers the basics of the GB CPU and begins to describe the instruction set.
- 2000-05-02 - Costis' GameBoy Tutorials - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Various gameboy register descriptions, etc.
- 2000-05-02 - Easygame.doc 1.1 - Posted by: Jason
- Real simplistic document describing step by step how to create a side scrolling game in GBDK.
- 2000-05-01 - GALP v1.0 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a tutorial on learning RGBDS assembly coding for the GB/GBC. Examples include printing "Hello World" string to screen.
- 2000-02-29 - GBC Palette Tutorial - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a tutorial on the GBC palettes & setting them using assembly language.
- 2001-08-31 - VKcorp GBDK\C Tutorial - Posted by: Vinicius Kursancew
- Pretty nice GBDK tutorial with 2 examples. The link above is for the text version. To get the HTML version in a zip file click here