Compression- 2000-02-29 - C64Pack v1.0 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here is a decompressor for GB for the C64Pack compression program. It doesn't quite compress as well as RNC method 2 and takes about 2 times longer for decompression. Use the compressor in this package because the C64Pack compressor on the PuCrunch web page will not compress raw data.
- 2000-03-01 - Michael Hope's GB Page - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Maccer & miniLZO Decompressor for GB. The macro preprocessor 'maccer' adds macros and the ability to include binary files to asgb (the assembler with GBDK). The decompression library is an assembler implementation of the decompressor from miniLZO - a extremely fast but not hugely efficent Lempel-Ziv-Oberhumer based compressor.
- 2000-02-29 - PuCrunch v1.3 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here is a decompressor for GB for the PuCrunch compression package. You can find a link to the PuCrunch compressor package in the 'Apps / Compression' section.
- 2000-02-29 - RNC v2.14 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- RNC method 1 now implemented. RNC method 2 for GB is now 7% faster due to optimizations. This is a compression package by Rob Northen Computing. It is free for non-commercial uses. For info on licensing it email Rob at rob@FILTER.markettrader.co.uk. (Remove FILTER.) A compressor for DOS & Amiga is provided and decompression code for GB, SNES, MIPS R4300, 68000, Atari Lynx, and 80286 is provided. This package has been used in commercial game titles for years.
Games- 2000-05-04 - 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' GBC - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- A GBC version of a sub-game from 7th Level's "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PC game. RGBDS source code is included.
- 2000-03-01 - Apocalypse Now - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here\'s a little sprite and scrolling background demo by Matthew. Works on a real GB and TASM src code is included.
- 2000-05-04 - Car Demo ROM & Source Code - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a rear-view car driving demo I wrote a few years ago to demonstrate curved roads, changing road perspectives, etc. The road itself is actually a fixed picture in video memory. The road bending & other effects are due to dynamic SCX register changes and good-sized data lookup tables. Included is RGBDS source code.
- 2000-03-05 - Chip8 Emulator - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Anders Granlund has written a Chip8 emulator for the GB that supports both CHIP8 and Super-CHIP8 games. Full assembly TASM source code is included.
- 2000-03-05 - Dungeon Escape - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Unfinished dungeon game with TASM assembly source.
- 2000-04-04 - Opus' Shooter - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- RGBDS code (starting with test4.zip) for doing a simple shooter type game.
- 2000-03-01 - Space Invaders-style Demo v1.0 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here is the source & rom code for a scan line scrolling method.
Graphics- 2000-02-29 - Jeff's APA Demo v990627 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a GBC ROM & RGBDS source I wrote for drawing solid triangles, textured triangles, area flood fill, fast line drawing, user-controllable rotating cubes, and a real-time zoom in on a photo of Mario which is composed of 112 solid triangles.
- 2000-04-20 - RGBGrafx - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- An RGBDS graphics library that includes tile, palette, map, sprite, and fade functions as a minimum.
Macros- 2000-02-29 - 16-bit shift v1.2 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here are macros for shifting the 16-bit registers left & right. Improved by ideas from Carsten.
- 2000-02-29 - Addsub1.inc v1.2 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a macro library for RGBDS that supports 16 bit adds / subtracts. Something the GB doesn't have built-in.
- 2000-02-29 - Load1.inc v1.0 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a macro library for RGBDS that supports 16 bit loads. Something the GB doesn't have built-in.
- 2000-02-29 - Sprite Trash v1.1 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Some of the GameBoy instructions trash Sprite OAM ram. These defines are alternatives to these commands. These are not needed on the GBC, however.
Math- 2000-05-26 - Divide/Multiply/SquareRoot/etc - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Several good sites for z80 math code that might easily be converted to GB use: TICALC and Macross Software.
- 2000-02-29 - Fast Log 8x8 Multiply v1.0 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Not extremely accurate but extremely fast 8x8 bit multiply using log/antilog tables.
- 2000-03-01 - Floating Point Math Package v1.2 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- This is a standalone math package for GameBoy or Z80 processors that I extracted from GB Basic. It might be useful for any application that require precision calculations. It was compiled with TASM.
- 2000-02-29 - U161616a v1.0 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's unsigned 16 / 16 = 16 bit result, 16 bit remainder division code.
- 2000-02-29 - U161632A v1.1 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here\'s an unsigned 16 x 16 multiply with a 32 bit result.
Misc- 2000-05-04 - AbISX v1.02 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a new tool that converts ISX-files into SYM-files. It's useful for people who are using Nintendos IS assembler and want to debug their games with no$gmb.
- 2000-04-05 - Cart Save RAM Demo - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's RGBDS & GBDK source code for using cart save RAM.
- 2000-07-07 - Dark Fader's GB Page - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Various code for multitasking, AT-keyboard on link port, Cube Raider puzzle game, Infrared keyboard support, rumble cart test, 40x18 & 40x24 text modes, Ultraedit config file, & src+ROM for vector ball demo.
- 2000-05-01 - Fast Two Player Code using RGBASM - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Thoughts from GeeBee & info from Otaku.
- 2000-03-01 - GBWIN - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here is an assembly language program for GameBoy by Tom Hammersly <tomh@FILTER.globalnet.co.uk> that displays PC-text-mode style
- 2000-06-01 - Hardware Defines v2.5 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here is a list of defines of the GB & GBC registers. Written specifically to be used with the RGBDS assembler.
- 2000-04-30 - Jeff's Assembly Tips - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a list of various assembly coding optimization ideas that I've accumulated over time from various sources.
- 2000-02-29 - Keypad v1.2 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's code for reading the GameBoy buttons.
- 2000-05-23 - Link Demo - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's RGBDS code & a ROM I wrote a while back to test the GB link port. To test it you need to run the ROM on two different GBs, GBCs, or some combination of the two while using a link cable. Any button pressed on one unit is shown on the other display.
- 2001-11-15 - Memory transfer routine Ver1.0 - Posted by: | Dark Soul G.B. |
- Here is the code for a very fast memory transfer routine. Originally designed for VRAM, I made it compatible with normal data as well. Average of 5-6 cycles per transfer over the whole routine.
- 2000-02-29 - Memory v1.1 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here are some memory manipulation routines for RGBDS.
- 2000-03-01 - Print Screen Demo ROM & Source Code - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's RGBDS source code written by ClapOn/ClapOff for doing a Print Screen to the GB Printer. Also included is a demo ROM for testing on a real GB with a printer.
- 2000-02-29 - Screen On/Off - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's code for turning the GB LCD screen on & off.
- 2000-02-29 - Set GBC Palettes - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's code for setting the GBC palettes.
- 2000-02-29 - Set GBC Speed - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's code for setting the CPU speed on the GBC.
- 2000-11-22 - Task-Switching Code - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- More assembly code by Tom Hammersly <tomh@FILTER.globalnet.co.uk> to handle multi-tasking code or operating system.
Palettes- 2000-02-29 - Fade Out v1.0 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's code to fade the GBC background & sprite palettes to white or black.
- 2000-02-29 - Team Anthrox Fader - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here is assembly source code for a simple fader that can fade from one color to a full palette, or a full palette down to one color. Select 'programs' on that page to locate the code.
Scrolling- 2000-02-29 - Pan Demo v1.0 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's demo code & a ROM for demonstrating the PAN1 code. It shows a partially recreated version of Whomp's Fortress from Mario 64. Use the arrow buttons to pan the scene.
- 2000-02-29 - PAN1 v1.7 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's code for panning a large map around on the GameBoy screen.
Sound- 2000-02-29 - Sample Code v1.2 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's code for playing raw audio samples on the GB/GBC. First use MM_X's Wave Converter or similar to put .WAV files in a format suitable for playing on the GB.
Random #'s- 2001-04-10 - Luc van der Borre's Random Code - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Two random number generators as well as sub-pixel accuracy scrolling on the Color GameBoy.
- 2000-02-29 - RanNum - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's two different methods for doing random numbers on the GB: calculate-as-you-go & table lookup.