Assemblers- 2003-01-24 - Advanced GameBoy IDE 0.66beta - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- This is a machine-language assembler environment for DOS. Will let you edit, compile, and view your source code in different colors. Another creation by MegaMan_X.
- 2005-06-18 - Gb-z80asm v2 - Posted by: Instru
- This is and assembler for gameboy. Its Dos-based(console box). It supports all the opcodes and has an examples on how to use it. Please contact me if you have any problems or a bug report. For more info check the readme file.
- 2000-03-04 - Gbasm - GameBoy Assembler - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a GB assembler for Linux.
- 2001-02-01 - RGBDS - Rednex GameBoy Dev System - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- RGBDS is the most powerful, publically available assembler for the GameBoy. Otaku now is the official maintainer of the RGBDS assembler package so visit his page to get the latest version. Source code is available as well. Here is a MakeFile for compiling the source on Linux.
- 2000-02-27 - TASM - GameBoy Table ASseMbler v1.6 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- This is the latest version of the DOS Table Assembler (TASM) V3.0.1 and a table for GameBoy.
- 2001-02-02 - TniASM - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Z80, R800 and GameBoy Z80 cross assembler.
- 2000-02-27 - WLA - Yet another GB-Z80 Macro Assembler - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- As the title mentions it's a GB assembler project in progress for DOS, Linux & Amiga.
C Compilers- 2000-04-03 - GBDK - Gameboy Development Kit - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Check here if you're looking for an ANSI C compiler for GameBoy. It is based on the popular 'lcc' compiler that is a portable design.
- 2012-06-04 - SDCC - Small Device C Compiler - Posted by: Philipp Klaus Krause
- Sdcc is a C compiler for standard (ANSI C89 / ISO C90, ISO C99) C, that can target the GameBoy CPU. An old version of sdcc (2.2.2) is used in the GBDK.
The Gameboy port has been unmaintained for some time, so there is no release supporting the GameBoy yet, but the current snapshots do support it. The Gameboy will be supported in the upcoming sdcc 3.2.0 release.
- 2000-02-27 - Small C Compiler for GameBoy - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- This is the early GameBoy small C compiler developed by Pascal Felber. This is the original compiler that has since been replaced by the GBDK compiler.
GBCamera- 2004-04-13 - GB Camera Guide - Posted by: anon
- A HowTo on dumping GB Camera images.
Compression- 2000-02-27 - C64Pack - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here is a decompressor for GB for the C64Pack compression program. It doesn't quite compress as well as RNC method 2 and takes about 2 times longer for decompression. Use the compressor in this package because the C64Pack compressor on the PuCrunch web page will not compress raw data.
- 2001-03-03 - GB Compress - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Sam has released v1.4 of GB Compress compression software for GB.
- 2000-02-27 - PuCrunch - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- PuCrunch seems to provide better compression than RNC method 2 (on average) but it is about 5 times slower during decompression. Use PUCRUNCH -d -c0 inputfile outputfile. Otherwise Commodore 64 decompression code will be included in the packed data and the GB doesn't need that! NOTE: USE THE WIN95 VERSION. THE DOS VERSION OF PUCRUNCH DOESN"T SUPPORT OPTION -c0 THAT LETS YOU LEAVE OUT THE C64 CODE.
- 2000-02-27 - RNC v2.14 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- This is a compression package by Rob Northen Computing. It is free for non-commercial uses. For info on licensing it email Rob at rob@FILTER.markettrader.co.uk. (Remove FILTER.) A compressor for DOS & Amiga is provided and decompression code for GB, SNES, MIPS R4300, 68000, Atari Lynx, and 80286 is provided. This package has been used in commercial game titles for years.
Disassemblers- 2000-07-05 - DiZ v1.1 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's the latest GB disassembler by HeroZero. It now reads the .sym files from tasm.
- 2000-02-29 - FrEk's GB Page - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- On this page you can find frEkdis 0.02a GameBoy disassembler with parser to find the difference between code and data & GameBoy 3ds: A 3d studio mesh of the GameBoy Color and a cartridge.
- 2000-02-27 - GBDis v1.3 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- This is a disassembler for GameBoy that runs under DOS that I started writing back in 1993. Note that this program locks up if the ROM to disassemble is larger than 32k bytes. Use a program such as 'subset' to carve up a larger ROM into 32k byte size files. (Look in Misc PC Apps for 'subset'.) It has many options for output that should satisfy most peoples tastes. The output can be compiled with the Table ASseMbler (TASM).
- 2000-03-12 - Titan - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- This is a Windows GB disassembler made by dox.
IDEs- 2000-07-25 - CGBide - Posted by: Andrew Rollings
- CGBide is an IDE for Gameboy Development for use with RGBDS. It's the most advanced and fully functional IDE available, and is used in both commercial and amateur development.
- 2000-02-29 - GameBoy Code Editor - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- New things include a file launch option, context menu and a couple of small things. This is a Win95 code editor by PurpleFish for GBDK development.
- 2000-03-01 - GameBoy Development Studio - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here is a win95 IDE interface for developing C code for GB.
- 2000-02-29 - GB Assembler Studio v1.1 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- An IDE for RGBASM. Written for windows. New features in v1.1 include add include files to your project and edit'n'run like normal source, create sym-files for use with NO$GMB emulator, some bug-fixes, and other minor changes/new features. Send the author some feedback as well. He wants to know your thoughts on it.
- 2000-02-29 - OrgASM - Macintosh IDE for Tasm - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a package that allows you to compile TASM (Table Assembler) assembly language files for GB on a Mac computer.
Misc- 2000-02-29 - AbISX v1.02 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a new tool that converts ISX-files into SYM-files. It's useful for people who are using Nintendos IS assembler and want to debug their games with no$gmb.
- 2002-03-23 - B2X v1.8 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a program I wrote for DOS & *nix (using DJGPP compiler for DOS) for converting a binary file to C or assembly DB statements. It has many options including 8/16 bit, ARM/GAS/RGBDS/TASM format, dec/hex, optional labels, big/little endian, specify number of columns, hex $xx or 0xxh or OxXX, etc.
- 2000-09-15 - Even/Odd File Splitter - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a program I wrote for DOS (with DJGPP C source) for splitting a file into even & odd bytes.
- 2001-05-30 - Gameboy Batch Maker 1.1 - Posted by: Greg Gage
- A simple app for easily compiling a gameboy source code file,
e-mail me for help, look at the description of 1.0 also.
- 2001-05-27 - Gameboy Batch Maker v1.0 - Posted by: Greg Gage
- Gameboy Batch Maker is a simple application I wrote that allows you to easily compile a gameboy source file (.c) by creating a batch file with the instructions to compile it. If you need any help with the GBBM e-mail me.
- 2000-02-27 - GameBoy Terminal v1.7 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Rewritten to support Rev G cable (Rev E & older cables are no longer supported!). This program for DOS works with GB Basic V1.20 and later and the GameBoy - to - Parallel Port cable to allow you to download BASIC programs or to control the GameBoy directly from an IBM-PC. Includes C source code & theory of operation. NOTE: GB BASIC MUST BE RUNNING IN YOUR GAMEBOY OR THIS PROGRAM IS USELESS.
- 2000-02-27 - GBBC v1.21B - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's the GBBConv program for DOS by Micah Dowty that's been updated to GB Basic V1.21 by myself. It allows you to convert to and from ascii text and GB Basic save RAM format for uploading/downloading with a cart reader/writer.
- 2000-09-15 - Ileave v1.1 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a program I wrote for DOS & *nix (using DJGPP compiler for DOS) for returning an interleaved subset of data from another file. Starting at offset W, you can return Y number of bytes, skip Z number of bytes, and do this again X number of times. Some applications include: pulling a smaller tile map out of a larger tile map & converting a row based map into a column based map.
- 2000-02-27 - MIDI File Display v1.1 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a program & C source code I wrote for DOS to display the contents of a Standard MIDI File (SMF).
- 2000-02-27 - Subset v1.0 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a program I wrote for DOS (with DJGPP C source) for returning a subset of data from an input file. The starting offset & the length for data can be specified in hex or decimal.
Pict2GB- 2000-02-29 - Adam's pcx2gb Convertor - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Check the site for more info.
- 2003-01-24 - Advanced PCX2GB - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Convert 256-colors PCX files to GameBoy Tiles. MS-DOS program, only needs 286+ CPU. Runs fine in a Win95 DOS box.
- 2000-02-29 - Another Tile Convertor - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- A tile convertor for Linux that converts PGM files to GBDK source code with optimized tile maps.
- 2000-07-09 - Gameboy Hicolour Convertor - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a hicolor convertor for windows by Glen Cook that allows you to generate 160x144 hicolor images (Up to 2304 colors) using a variety of conversion methods. Source code for viewing the result on a GBC is included. Here's the Visual C source code for this app. Based on original code concepts by Icarus Productions with various modifications by others.
- 2000-05-09 - Gameboy Image Quantizer (GIQ) - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- The Gameboy Image Quantizer (or GIQ for short) is a Win32 tool for all those who are looking for an easy way to convert any existing 8-, 16- or 24-bit image into a GB-compatible format, ready for use in your productions. It was written for Digital Infinity during the production of the Gameboy version of Knights, since we could easily import pre-rendered 3D images into the game.
- 2000-02-27 - HeroZero's Graphics Convertor - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Convert PCX graphics to gameboy tiles with this program by HeroZero.
- 2000-02-29 - Paul Stapley's gfx2GBC v0.02 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- This version of the Win95 app fixes bug in output file palettes, adds the ability to save your converted file as a BMP, and has a 'Brighten Colours On Export' features.
- 2000-02-27 - PCX-to-GB Tile Convertor - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- This PCX to GB Tile Converter was created by Thorleif Bundgaard. It is written in Quick Basic.
- 2000-03-01 - PCX2GBI - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Pcx2gbi (formerly pcx2gb8) is a package of windows programs that includes a converter to convert from pcx to game boy image, and a tile, map and palette editor. Also included are command line utilities for doing many of the functions contained in the windows program.
- 2000-02-27 - Tga2gbc v1.3 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here is a DOS program I wrote to convert a .tga graphic file to GBC hicolor format. It will allow you to display your own 128 x 128 pixel photo on the GBC in up to 2048 simultaneous colors. The DJGPP C source is also inside. Included is a MAKEROM batch file for viewing the results on a GBC.
ROM Based- 2000-11-03 - GameBoy Book Reader - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Assembler source code for a book reader for Game Boy. Includes a Windows utility to merge the book text with the reader engine (with Visual C++ source) and an example book.
- 2000-02-29 - GameBoy StopWatch - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Turn your GB or GBC into a stopwatch with this ROM.
- 2001-11-09 - GB Basic v2.10 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Initial support for GBC. This is a ROM for GB/GBC that allows you to run interpreted BASIC programs. Here is gbbasic.txt.
- 2000-05-13 - GB Printer Emulator v1.0 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a ROM & RGBDS source code I wrote for turning a spare GB or GBC into a GB Printer emulator. No need to waste GB Printer paper while debugging printer code when you can use this ROM to view printer results on the screen of your spare GB or GBC.
- 2000-02-27 - GBClock v1.2 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Now saves 16% or more battery power by disabling sound circuits during silence. Still runs about 2.4% fast on a SGB due to it's slightly faster CPU clock. Here's the first program to use many of the words in the speech library. It is a talking clock for GB in English! NOTE: It won't work on any of the emulators, only on a real GB. Included is the rom & RGBDS source code.
- 2000-02-27 - GBDebug v1.3 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- This is a ROM that allows you to view the memory in the GameBoy. A mini-assembler/disassembler is included. Source code is included!
- 2002-07-09 - Hack The Hard 1999 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Phreak boy, GB-PDA, Learning IR Remote Controller, and LEGO Mindstorm controller can be found here. Phreak boy is successor of GB-DTMF. RED-BOX & BLUE-BOX are realized on GB. (CCITT 5 compliant).
- 2000-02-27 - Hicolor Animation Engine - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a demo ROM & RGBDS source code I wrote for playing back 6 FPS hicolor photos on the GBC for short animations. Each frame takes 8K bytes of ROM space. You can get 8+ FPS by using HDMA as well but this demo only uses GDMA alone.
- 2000-05-05 - Jeff's Magnavox Remote - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a GBC remote control ROM (including RGBDS src) that I wrote to control my Magnavox TV using IR. I get a range of about 12 foot (4 metres) with this setup.
- 2000-02-29 - Olympus Shutter Control - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- David used the GBC IR port to trigger the remote shutter release mechanim of an Olympus camera. The code is in assembler and can be found here.
- 2000-02-29 - RoReCon - LEGO Mindstorm Controller - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Follow the 'Original Software' & 'RoReCon' links to find the ROM that turns the GBC into an Infrared Red LEGO Mindstorm controller.
- 2000-02-27 - Talking GB - Pi to 20 decimal places in English - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Want to hear your GB recite Pi to 20 decimal places in English? Download this and try it out on a real GB. (Won't work on emulators.)
- 2000-02-29 - Xidian: Chinese to English Dictionary - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- A Chinese to English dictionary written by Phan Pui Binh containing about 4000 words that runs on the GB. It is freeware that includes the GBDK source code.
Tile/Map- 2000-02-29 - Art Util - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- This is a windows utility by Adrian Brown that allows multiple sprite animations to be created and tested. Handles removal of duplicate blocks, including x/y flipped, and also generation of palette information. Exports data into .asm file ready for use by rgbasm.
- 2000-02-27 - GBDK Sprite Editor - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a GBDK sprite editor for Windows by Paride Odierna.
- 2000-04-03 - GBTD/GBMB - GB Tile Designer & Map Builder - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here is the latest versions of these packages for windows.
- 2000-02-27 - GFTile v0.09alpha - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- This is the latest version map/tile editor by Mike Mika for DOS for GameBoy. It outputs in TASM assembly language format.
- 2000-02-27 - Ggtedit - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a tile editor for Linux.
- 2000-11-20 - Graphics Studio - Posted by: Rusty Wagner
- A Windows utility for creating and editing gameboy graphics. Has an integrated tile and map editor, import and export to/from several different formats, and fast color bitmap imports with support for hicolor.
- 2000-02-27 - OGBBTC - Onboard GB tile creator - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Edit tiles on your GB! Also find printer driver code for GBDK here.
- 2001-05-26 - PPM - Yet Another Game Boy (Color) Tile & Map Editor for GTK - Posted by: Ville Helin
- Tile & map editor that can import GBTD & GBMB files, and export ISAS .asm, RGBDS .asm, TASM .asm, WLA .asm GBDK .c and raw binary. Supports also 16x16 metatiles.
- 2000-02-27 - Tile Buddy - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- This is a powerful tile/map/animation editor for windows.
- 2000-02-27 - TILE256 Map/Tile Editor v1.1 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- This is a DOS program I found on a garbo programming page <http://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/programming.html>. A map editor displays/edits a bunch of custom made tiles. This map editor also has a built-in tile editor.
Tile/Map Other- 2000-03-01 - GIQ2TB - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here\'s a freeware converter/optimiser ( redundand tiles; normal or flipped)) from GIQ (1.01) binary format to tilebuddy(4.1) internal gfx format. It was written for DOS by Tomasz Slanina.
- 2000-03-01 - Petres' GBTD/GBMB Exporter - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a program by Petres for making it easier to export GBTD/GBMB files to GBDK.
- 2000-03-01 - TILE256 Convertor v1.1 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- TILE256 Converter for DOS converts TILE256 output to a GameBoy format assembly language file. Now supports two color output as well. C source code is included.
- 2000-03-01 - TILE256 Map Mirror/Flip v1.0 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- TILE256 Map Mirror Flip is a utility for TILE256. C source code is included.
Sound- 2000-02-29 - Beyond Tracker - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a commercial package for editing GB music on a PC.
- 2003-03-15 - Carillon Player & FX Hammer - Posted by: Aleksi Eeben
- Music engine for Game Boy and Game Boy Color. The editor runs on CGB. CPU usage only 1-3 LCD lines per frame.
- 2000-12-19 - GB Audiowave Maker v1.0 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- A small utility for DOS by Aleksi Eeben for creating audiowaves for paragon 5's beyond tracker. (33k)
- 2000-02-27 - GHX Sound Engine - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- The GHX development system is not available for commerial or non-comercial use. They only provide music composed for your project bundled with the GHX player.
- 2000-05-05 - Graham's Tool - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's windows software to convert .wav files to 4-bit GB format & Visual Basic source code. Other info can be found here as well.
- 2001-03-15 - Lemon's Music Player - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here is Lemon's music player source (code for GBDK) and the > convertor tool (mod2gbl, MODule tracker -> GameBoy Lemon player).
- 2000-11-03 - Little Sound Dj - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Little Sound Dj is a music editor, running on the Gameboy hardware.
- 2001-06-10 - LSDJ Midi Cable - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a midi sync cable that works with LittleSoundDJ as well.
- 2003-01-24 - MM_X's GameBoy Wave Convertor - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- One program allows you to convert raw 8-bit audio files to GB format wave files that can be played on the GB by dynamically updating GB wave RAM memory ($ff30-$ff3f). Two programs are included in this freeware DOS package. RAW soundfile to GameBoy 4-bit (also "packs" nibbles together), GameBoy 4-bit to RAW soundfile ("unpacks" nibbles). It runs fine in a Win95 DOS box.
- 2000-08-14 - ModPlug Tracker - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a Win32-based music tracker program. Some use it with the Lemon Tracker Player for GB/GBC.
- 2000-02-27 - Music Box - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- A music and sound effect system and editor that can be used in commercial and hobby games and demos. The tracker is running on the target system.
- 2000-02-27 - Nanoloop - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Nanoloop is a synthesizer / sequencer for the Nintendo Game Boy (TM). As it is a pure software product and stored on a normal game cartridge, it can be used on any Game Boy. And as it provides all necessary functions to produce nice electronic music, no further hardware is needed.
- 2000-09-20 - Pushpin for Game Boy Color - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Pushpin is a MIDI Synthesizer Kit for the Game Boy Color. It allows musicians and developers to treat their GBC as a MIDI Sound Module for use with their sequencing hardware and software. Musicians can use all the sound generation powers of the GBC hardware in their songs, and developers can audition and compose their music in a familar environment while still using the GBC for output.
- 2000-05-25 - Visual Impact Music System - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Use Windows95 or higher and DirectX to edit your musics, tunes and jingles for your GameBoy Color applications. Direct playback while editing on the Windows platform. Editing system can be used by anyone and is available as a package. The playback on GameBoy and GameBoy Color is fast and the library can be integrated in any GameBoy development environment. LICENSING INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. EXE downloadable from homepage.