Picture of a GameBoy

Jeff Frohwein's GameBoy Tech Page

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GameBoy FAQs

Here are answers to many daily questions I get asked concerning GameBoy.

GB Basic FAQs

Here are the FAQs for the GameBoy Basic interpreter.

GameBoy Color FAQs

FAQs for the new GB Color.

GB Acronyms

Here's a list of common acronyms used in GB world.


Here are the patents for GameBoy Patent #1, GameBoy Patent #2, Super GameBoy Patent #1, Super GameBoy Patent #2, Super GameBoy Photos, MBC2 Schematic, 4-Player Adapter Patent, Algorithm for game saving, Portable modular diagnostic medical device and Hand-held LCD fish finder.

GB Camera RAM Format v1.2

Use ReadPlus v3.2 (along with CARTIO hardware with cart pin 2 connected to ground.) to backup your GB Camera RAM and decode the data with this info. Here's a photo extracted from save RAM. Notice the 16 tiles on the bottom line of this photo compose the smaller photo described in the .txt file.

Virtual Library - Games Programming Section

Information for game programmers: Methods for collision detection, tile-based games FAQs, philosophy of game programming in general, & more.

Work Boy Pics - GB & Keyboard (16K) - Specs (970K)

Here are pics & specs for Work Boy for GameBoy. Work Boy was a keyboard & cart designed by Fabtek that turned a GameBoy into a form of personal organizer. It seems that some of these were sold around 1992 but not very many. (Note: Pics have been electronically altered to improve clarity.)

Beedaman Specs - JPGs: Inside - Cover - Metal box it came in

Internal cart name: Super B Daman. Unfortunately this cart is only sold in Japan. It is the only cart I've found with 32KBytes ram & Infrared Transmit / Receive LEDs. Allows wireless 2 player games as well as message transfer & DTMF phone dialing. Unfortunately all menus are in Japanese!

GameBoy small and large screen grids

Here are a couple of grids representing the GameBoy screen. They can be helpful for designing screen layouts when printed out.

Table Assembler Programming Tip

When using 'tasm' for compiling GameBoy programs, use the '-fff' compiler option to fill the unused parts of the ROM image with the byte FF. The resulting ROM image will be much smaller when compressed for distribution.

GameBoy Sound Table

Here's a table for converting between Hertz, MIDI, and GB numbering format.

Game Genie Programming Revealed

New specs for programming Game Genie !! Now pseudo bank-switch detecting is decoded. Also, this is the Official list of Game Genie codes from Galoob.

Spillin' My Guts v1.3

Here is my list of stuff to do for the GameBoy. I was skeptical about posting this because almost all of these are my own ideas that I was hoping to implement first. I keep coming up with more ideas than I can POSSIBLY do myself, so the only realistic thing to do is share my list with others. Also, since others are sharing their ideas with me, I want post my ideas first so others don't think I am stealing their ideas...

Super Smart Card Info

This is the SSC made by China Coach. They have gone out of business since making this product.

Eprom Emulators vs. SRAM

This explains the advantages and disadvantages of Eprom Emulators and SRAM cards for the GameBoy.