Eprom Emulators- 2001-07-09 - 4Mbit Eprom Emulator - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a 27C040 (512k byte) eprom emulator circuit and a 27C256 (32k Byte) version. This is the software & C source code for Dos. THESE PLANS ARE OFFERED "AS IS". DO NOT ASK FOR HELP GETTING IT TO WORK OR FOR MORE INFO. TOO MANY REQUESTS ARE RECEIVED TO ANSWER THEM ALL.
Measurement- 2000-08-19 - 40Mhz 32 Channels Logic Analyzer - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- It is a 32 Channel, 40Mhz, fully PC controlled TTL/CMOS logic analyser with internal/external triggering and trigger delay. Internal triggering is fully maskable (High/Low/Don't Care) on all 32 channels. The whole things fits on one single sided PCB with virtually no wiring.
- 2000-05-14 - BitScope - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- BitScope is a low cost data acquistion device configured as an RS-232 perhiperal. Used with a PC it can implement a dual channel 100 Mhz Digital Sampling Oscilloscope and 8 channel Logic Analyzer.
PCBEtch- 2000-03-20 - Easy PC Boards - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- PCB etch tips, RF prototyping with copper tape, cheap RF remote control.
- 2002-04-17 - Free PCB Layout Software - Posted by: Claude Ceccon
- Great schematic capture and PCB layout software can be had from http://www.cadsoftusa.com. The Eagle layout system comes with schematic capture, parts editor, PCB layout, and autorouter. Caveats: schematics are limited to one sheet and boards to 100 x 80 mm and two sided.
- 2000-03-20 - Ian Juby's PCB Tips - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Using the Positive Proof Photo-etching system.
- 2000-03-20 - Mike's PCB Tips - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- "How to make really good homemade PCBs".
- 2000-03-20 - S. Pdmtr's PCB Tips - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Using Teckniks Press-N-Peel sheets.
Programmers- 2000-04-04 - Altera Parallel Port Download Cable - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a PDF document describing a cable that can be built to program Altera 9000, 9000A, 7000A, and 7000S devices & configure FLEX 6000, 8000, and 10K devices in-circuit using a standard parallel port. Here's an unofficial version.
- 2000-11-02 - Dr7.com - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- This is mainly a satellite dish hacking site but it contains all kinds of easy to build programmers for various memory & computer chips.
- 2000-06-09 - ELM GAL Programmer - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Supports Lattice GALs & Microchip PIC16F84.
- 2000-04-23 - EPROMr2 Programmer - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Schematics & C source code for this very simple EPROM programmer design.
- 2001-07-09 - Flash / EEPROM Programmer, Rev C - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's a build-your-own programmer & V1.6 software for those on a limited budget. I used these design goals in order to come up with this circuit. It can only program 5V only memory so it can't program EPROMs or some EEPROMS. It's designed to be simple & inexpensive rather than a program-everything circuit. Why use EPROMs anyway? You need special equipment to erase them and it takes 20 minutes to do it. THESE PLANS ARE OFFERED "AS IS". DO NOT ASK FOR HELP GETTING IT TO WORK OR FOR MORE INFO. TOO MANY REQUESTS ARE RECEIVED TO ANSWER THEM ALL.
- 2001-07-09 - Frohwein-Sshua Flash Programmer - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- This version of the flash programmer by Sshua is optimized for 29F040 (and similar) flash chips. On one computer, it took more than 15 minutes to write 512Kb to a 29F040. Replacing the 74HC590 (binary counters) by 74HC595 (shift registers) on the address bus reduced this to 3 minutes. It's now a little slower than before for other eeproms. THESE PLANS ARE OFFERED "AS IS". DO NOT ASK FOR HELP GETTING IT TO WORK OR FOR MORE INFO. TOO MANY REQUESTS ARE RECEIVED TO ANSWER THEM ALL.
- 2000-12-13 - Frohwein-Tucker Flash Programmer 3.3v Adapter - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- A small power supply daughterboard that is soldered in place of the 7805 regulator using a 3 pin header and plastic standoff for connections and mechanical mounting to the 7805 footprint.
- 2000-12-13 - Frohwein-Tucker Flash Programmer 32pin TSOP Adapter - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- A 32 pin TSOP adapter PCB which uses a socket sold by Emulation Technologies. They sell a complete adapter assembly but it's twice the price of the socket alone.
- 2000-12-13 - Frohwein-Tucker Flash Programmer 48pin TSOP Adapter - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- A 48 pin TSOP adapter PCB which uses a socket sold by Emulation Technologies. They sell a complete adapter assembly but it's twice the price of the socket alone. Support for AM29F800 (8 Mbit) and AM28F160 (16Mbit) chips with this board.
- 2001-07-09 - Frohwein-Tucker Flash Programmer V1.0 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here are Protel PC Board drawings, a modified schematic, and better documentation for the Rev C flash programmer. Thanks goes to Tucker for his work! THESE PLANS ARE OFFERED "AS IS". DO NOT ASK FOR HELP GETTING IT TO WORK OR FOR MORE INFO. TOO MANY REQUESTS ARE RECEIVED TO ANSWER THEM ALL.
- 2000-03-16 - Gal Programmer - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Home-made PAL/GAL programmers.
- 2001-03-21 - Harry Lythall's Projects - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Plans for a small EPROM programmer & other interesting projects.
- 2000-04-04 - Lattice ISP Download cable - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Allows programming Lattice ISP parts in-circuit.
- 2001-11-09 - NeftyTouch - Altera FPGA/EPLD downloading / programming - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Reliable and cost effective replacement solution for the Altera Corporation ByteBlaster and ByteBlasterMV download cable. Downloads data from the MAX+PLUS ® II development software. Programs MAX ® 9000, 7000 in-system. Configures FLEX ® 20K, 10K, FLEX 8K, FLEX 6K devices. Works from 1.8 to 5.5 volts.
- 2000-04-23 - Willeprom Programmer - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Eproms, EEproms, flash eproms, serial eeproms, and PIC micros are programmable by this DIY parallel port programmer design. You can order a PC board as well from this Holland site.
- 2001-06-17 - Xilinx WebPACK CPLD tools - Posted by: Andrew March
- Xilinx WebPACK is a collection of free software modules which provide everything you need to complete a Xilinx XC9500 or CoolRunner Series CPLD design using ABEL or VHDL. Registration is required. Visit Xilinx for more info and device data-sheets.