From: Morgan Olsson To: Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 2:54 PM Subject: [PIC]:Fast way of forcing master Reset! * Now working * ! I have found a way of immediately trigging a watchdog reset! (About what use it has, see previous postings) I abandoned the idea of clocking the prescaler with clk/4. Simon Neid, your last suggestion is interesting, but as this now works, and is fast, i now had enough experimenting... thank you anyway :) Instead I here use clocking by program control by means of RA4 pin state and T0SE bit in OPTION_REG. The attached file is directly compileable using MPLAB/MPASM and runs on a F877 (tested on an F877 datecode 9921BSL) with ICD. (If no ICD edit config line) Note: Wdog must be enabled. (btw, why do the ICD not obey that statement info in the config line? And also forgets until next time MPLAB is started) The code initiates PortE and outputs it´s state there so we can see it works. (edit if you want to use another port.) The processor resets and initiates 40 000 times per second at 4MHz clock. The reset operation itself is only ten instructions! (including disabling of interrupts) I have not tested how many cycles after reset it starts executing from adress 0, but it seem to be one or a very few cycles. It would be interesitng to know if it works on other PICs too. (just edit config line and output signals) The code is heavily commented as the operaiton is a little "strange"... But to understand you also need the schematics of the TMR0+Watchdog module from a PIC datasheet. Regards /Morgan -------------------- LIST messg " * FAST FORCED RESET * prototyping file " messg " This program resets the PIC 40k times/second @ 4MHz Xtal " messg " Tested on an PIC16F877 datecode 9921BSL " messg " AUTHOR: Morgan Olsson, " NOLIST ;******************************* KONFIGURERA ********************************** list p=16f877 __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _WDT_ON & _BODEN_ON & _PWRTE_ON & _HS_OSC & _WRT_ENABLE_ON & _LVP_OFF & _DEBUG_ON & _CPD_OFF errorlevel -306 ;no Crossing page boundary warnings errorlevel -302 ;no bank warnings radix dec ;********************************** DEFINITIONSFILER ************************* include LIST ;********************************** RESET ************************************ ORG 0x000 nop ;ICD clrf PCLATH goto Init ;********************************* INTERRUPT ********************************* ORG 0x004 goto $ ;if false interrupt stop here to indicate ;********************************* INIT ********************************* Init clrf STATUS ;Use watchdog as normal clrwdt movlw b'11011101'; TMR0 on fosc/4, prescaler /32 to Watchdog movwf OPTION_REG ;FastReset needa a low on RA4, which is tied to GND ;On a Power-on Reset, pins are configured inputs ;PortE is used for monitoring clrf PORTE bsf STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 1 movlw b'111' movwf TRISE ;********************************* FAST RESET ********************************* ;Design Morgan Olsson, ;-indicate beginning of FastReset on PortE bcf STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0 bsf PORTE,1 ;-Prepare clrf INTCON ;disable interrupts ;(Just to avoid spending time in an int) clrwdt ;without this line the reset fails peridically -with the ;wdog freqency- probably depending on Wdog OSC output phase. ;-some undocumented connection. ;-Setup registers bsf STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 1 movlw b'11110000' ;# ;prescaler in from RA4 XOR T0SE, movwf OPTION_REG ;T0SE (bit 5):1=High, prescale select /2 bcf STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0 clrf TMR0 ;clear prescaler (also TMR0, but irrelevant) bsf STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 1 ;-Now clock the prescaler manually, by toggling T0SE! *1) bcf OPTION_REG,T0SE ;# ;-Now the prescaler output apparently is "1", because... bsf OPTION_REG,PSA ;...assigning it to wdt cause immediate reset! ;...test if it did not work... ;-Failure catcher of personal taste: bcf STATUS,RP0 ;Bank 0 bsf PORTE,2 ;indicate if we ever get here ;-And wait for normal watchdog timer as last resort! I have not seen this ; happen, but who knows about chip revisions using undocumented functions.. goto $ ;*1): ;This solution depends on RA4 to be low, i.e set as input, connected to GND. ;If RA4 is high then invert the setting of T0SE in both places marked #. ;Of course if RA4 is an output, use it High or Low as convenient, ;and use T0SE acordingly. ;WATCHDOG NEED TO BE ENABLED IN CONFIG DIRECTIVE (AND/OR PROGRAMMER) ;I´ not sure why.... I think it should not be needed according to ;schematics in the datasheets where it only stops the Wdog OSC. END