What's New?- 2012-06-01 - New Neo Geo Pocket USB Flasher & Cart (Flashmasta) - [PHOTO] - Posted by: Jeff Siebold aka NoonKnight
- Flashmasta is a development tool for the Neo Geo Pocket Color. It's a flash cart that works like the old Bung 32M cartridge.
Flashmasta on YouTube
- 2008-03-08 - PDRoms Coding Competition #3.99 - 24.01. - 02.03.2008 - [PHOTO] - Posted by: Kojote
- Hello everyone!
It’s time for a new coding competition powered by PDRoms - one of the supported systems are Neo Geo Pocket and Neo Geo Pocket Color, which might be related to this place ;) All the detail information you need will be public on 24th January 2008 at the PDRoms webboard, in particular here: http://www.pdroms.de/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=405
All I can say for now… “4 colors are enough!” – Spread the word and join the challenge!
Kojote / PDRoms
- 2005-06-22 - PDRC #3.33 - NGP/C entries accepted - Posted by: Kojote
- To celebrate Kojote's first quarter century of life on 20th June 2005, here is another competition. PD Roms Coding Competition #3.33. The compo will start on the 20th June 2005 @ 00:00 GMT +2 and will end 25 days later on the 14th July 2005 @ 23:59 GMT +2.
- 2004-06-17 - PDRoms Coding Competition 2.5 - Posted by: Kojote
- Another coding compo organized by PDRoms: Your goal is to greate a "Game & Watch" style game, in fact a LCD style game, with leading intro! (An intro contains (scroll)text and a (moving) logo. Deadline is Sunday, 4th July, 2004 at 23:59 GMT +1. 1st prize is a NGPC with 7 games. Allowed systems are: Gameboy Classic, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, GP32, <b>Neo Geo Pocket, Neo Geo Pocket Color</b>, NES & Dreamcast!
- 2004-02-16 - Pocketron (w/ Source code) - Posted by: Torlus
- Pocketron is a Robotron-like game, created for the PDRoms coding compo #2. You can find it on my site, with full source code. It is written in C, and uses the C Framework.
- 2004-01-09 - PDRoms Coding Competition 2 (8th Jan - 8th Feb) - Posted by: Kojote
- PDRC #2 has started. Goal is to write a LLamatron style game. Click on the headline for the rules page. Allowed systems are GB,GBC,GBA,GP32,NGP,NGPC and Dreamcast. 1st prize is a NGPC including 7 games.
- 2003-04-16 - DynaMate v1.0 - Posted by: Kojote
- Thor ported DynaMate over to the Neo Geo Pocket Color. Download from his page.
- 2003-03-22 - NGPC Slideshow update! - Posted by: Kojote
- Thor updated his NGPC Slideshow which shows the power of his picture converter. The .zip contains 2 versions of the slideshow. One for hardware, the other for emulators.
- 2003-03-05 - NGPC Mod Player / Converter v1.0 - Posted by: Kojote
- I think the headline is self explaining :) Head over the Thor's page for more information.
- 2002-06-13 - C Framework Tutorial - Posted by: Chris Ahchay
- The first two parts of my tutorial designed to show newcomers the fundamentals of NGPC game development using the C Framework are now on-line. Part one covers the basics of the graphics system while part two moves on to sprite manipulation. Future episodes will include features on game structure, collision detection methods and rule based character movement.
- 2002-04-11 - C Framework 0.2 - Posted by: Ivan
- The C Framework hides all of the NGPC hardware from you allowing you to concentrate on your project. Version 0.2 provides function calls for manipulating sprites, generating random numbers and playing sound effects.
- 2002-02-15 - NGPack - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- NGPack is an on going project to provide a low resource (de)compression package for the NGP. Decompression examples are in C.. Eventually assembly versions of decompression routines will appear.. some day :) Decompression requires 1792, 2048, 3840 or zero bytes of extra RAM depending on the used algorithm & method of decompression.
- 2002-02-13 - MY ENGLISH PAGE - Posted by: RANEKO
- I made English version of tutorials.
- 2002-02-01 - NGP (B&W) for US$9 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Lan Kwei is selling NGP (b&w) for US$9, even though it is the older Black & White model.
- 2002-01-24 - PocketSend v2.5 - [PHOTO] - Posted by: Flavor
- Do I have a monopoly on NGPC news? PocketSend v2.5 is now final. Get it while it's hot.
Version 2.5 should write to your cart faster than previous versions. Other than that, most of the major improvements for this release were also in the beta release of PocketSend v2.0.
- 2002-01-21 - PocketSend v2.5 Beta - [PHOTO] - Posted by: Flavor
- I have released a public Beta version of PocketSend v2.5. Please try it and tell me what you think. Also, I have released a Multipack of public domain ROMs. There's a version for 32Mb carts and a version for 16Mb carts.
- 2001-12-11 - PocketSend v2.0 Beta - [PHOTO] - Posted by: Flavor
- PocketSend v2.0 Beta has been released.
- 2001-11-23 - Disassembler/Monitor - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Check here for sources from Jouni Korhonen for linux i386 & windows binaries. This is an early beta but should contain all opcodes etc and a bunch of commands.
- 2001-10-19 - Getting started using a C compiler - Posted by: Roger Bacon
- I have added a second 'getting started' tutorial to my website, this one deals with compiling a rom using C instead of ASM!
- 2001-10-11 - PocketSend and NGPCpack v1.0 - [PHOTO] - Posted by: Flavor
- Lik-Sang said:
"Wow, what we fellow NGPC freaks waiting for all the time has finally come true. Flavor released his NGPCpack that allows you to put multiple games onto one 32M card. After switching on your NGPC you will be prompted with a menu to choose the game/demo you want to run. And like this has not been enough he also wrote a transfer tool that supports his multiple game solution and even runs under Windows 2000, while Bungs original software doesn't!"
- 2001-09-17 - Sound Tutorial - Posted by: Ivan
- This tutorial describes how to program your NGPC to make sound. It covers the sound registers within the Z80 memory map; Installing the sound driver into the Z80 RAM; and a technique for communicating with your sound driver from your main code.
- 2001-09-14 - Getting started tutorial - Posted by: Roger Bacon
- A simple tutorial on getting started compiling your own roms. Site also includes new version of 'Jump!'
- 2001-09-12 - Drawing Primitives - Posted by: Ivan
- Thor has released a demo and source for drawing primitives (lines, triangles and pixels). The first steps towards 3D!
- 2001-06-12 - Manic Miner Update - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- This version contains extra levels up to 'Miner Willy meets the Alien Kong Beast' and also has several bug fixes.
- 2001-06-07 - PokeLink v1.01j2 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Support for linux has been added. Look at the source code for instructions for compiling it for linux. This is a port of DF's tool that allows using the pocket linker hardware under win95/win98/linux.
- 2001-05-30 - Columns, Centipede, Jump, & Diamond Run - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Check Ivan's site for more info on these free games for NGPC. :)
- 2001-05-19 - Manic Miner - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Manic Miner originally written by Matthew Smith in 1983 for the Sinclair Spectrum and published by Bug-Byte and Software Projects. There have been many other versions for various machines including the PC.
- 2001-04-25 - New NGPC website and game source - Posted by: Roger Bacon
- I've created a website for my projects, all with available source code! New projects include centipede and a generic platform game.
- 2001-03-27 - Lights! new NGPC game - Posted by: Ivan
- This is a puzzle game whereby you have to turn off all of the lights. Coded by Roger Bacon.
- 2001-02-03 - Last month of y2kode competition! - Posted by: Corey Taylor
- We have a great competition lined up with currently 42 groups and coders signed up. You judges out there will be notified of final approval and all the related info to the judging phase. To you coders out there, get your code cleaned up, the graphics pruned and your info typed. I have decided to make the demo submissions web-based so that we can easily keep track of them, and you won't have to wonder if it was recieved. The deadline is the end of February, Hong Kong time.
- 2001-01-16 - Bung NGPC Competition Entries - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- ...are now available for download including a new game called Sykowar.
- 2000-11-27 - Graphics Studio 2 progress & new forums - Posted by: Rusty Wagner
- Much progress is being made on Graphics Studio 2, a Windows tile and map editor being completely redesigned from the ground up to support almost any tile-based platform imaginable. An alpha version should be available soon for registered users. (The demo version will not be available until the beta stage). Click on the above link for the latest progress updates and screenshots, and be sure to voice any comments or suggestions in the new forums section.
- 2000-11-22 - Gridview - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- A program by h. dodson to convert .BMP files to AS assembler readable text files. Includes source and examples. Could use some polishing, but provided AS-IS.
- 2000-11-15 - Tb2ngpc - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Program to convert TileBuddy binaries to NGPC format. Also a custom-made version of pacman for NGPC.
- 2000-10-14 - Bung NGPC Coding Competition - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- An Amateur NGPC Format Games Coding Competition will be organized by the Bung Internet Shopping Limited and the China Union Company. 1st-US$300, 2nd-US$200, & 3rd-US$100
- 2000-10-09 - Menu v1.2 - Posted by: Ivan
- New version of Menu that includes Jeff Siebold's Maze demo and a Napalm's NeoNeo demo
- 2000-09-17 - Menu ROM - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Includes freeware games: Snake, Thieves, Freecell, Mines, Asteroids, Spacies, Invaders and Fractal; All on a single cartridge image.
- 2000-09-13 - TPaint Onboard Tile Editor - Posted by: Toby Carvan
- TPaint is an onboard tile editor for NGPC. This version supports saving and loading tiles too. Use the 'option' button to toggle the menu on/off, and 'a/b' to increment/decrement the various settings. Use the 'option' button to toggle the menu on/off, and 'a/b' to increment/decrement the various settings. Full source coming soon.
- 2000-08-29 - Freecell - Posted by: Ivan
- 'Solitaire' is available from the link. It is a multicard game engine that features the previously released Thieves plus Freecell. Anyone interested in helping develop this further?
- 2000-08-24 - Website moved. NGPC C-source of pacman. - Posted by: Dark Fader
- Start coding for NGPC with C compiler... example linker script & pacman game conversion by using GBDK-like function.
- 2000-08-20 - Mines - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Mines - the classic minesweeper puzzle game that comes with MSWindows has been ported to NGPC by Ivan.
- 2000-08-15 - NGPC Asteroids / Space Invaders - Posted by: Baggers
- Well, here's a little bonus for you guys, Asteroids and Space Invaders in one cart. enjoy.
- 2000-08-11 - NGP Spacies V1.01 - Posted by: Baggers
- I know it's not much of a change, but I got my NGPlinker today, and made it work on the real thing, all it was was _BGCPAL needed to be set to black, so if your playing it on the real thing, get the new one, if not, it doesn't matter...
- 2000-08-06 - Space Invaders Demo V1.00 - Posted by: Baggers
- My contribution to this late great handheld, I'm not sure if it works on the original, but it works on NGPocket.exe and R.A.P.E. my NGPlinker is in the post, so there should be an updated version on my page not long after I receive it
- 2000-08-01 - MazeDemo Version 1.02 - Posted by: Jeff Siebold
- Version 1.02: Minor bug fixes. Added true Mersenne Twister random number generator code. Smoother movement thru the maze and backtracking now turns the trail of dots red. Also added an option to replay the same maze.
- 2000-07-29 - Sample source code and ROM of a random number generator - Posted by: Jeff Siebold
- I converted the Mersenne Twister random number generator to NGPC. For more information on the Mersenne Twister, see the inventor's web page at http://www.math.keio.ac.jp/~matumoto/emt.html
- 2000-07-24 - PokeLink v1.01j1 - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- I modified Dark Fader's PokeLink to work on win 95/98 so it no longer requires GiveIO to operate. Also, the Manufacturer & Device ID are displayed.
- 2000-07-21 - MazeDemo Version 1.01 - Posted by: Jeff Siebold
- The new version is now playable! You can now solve each maze using the joystick.
- 2000-07-19 - Tile Editor For NeoGeo Pocket - Posted by: Charles
- Here's a tile editor that is supposed to edit tiles for a NeoGeo Pocket (plus others). It's a rom hacking tool, rather than a development tool, but looks useful.
- 2000-07-18 - MazeDemo - Posted by: Jeff Frohwein
- Here's an NGPC demo ROM by NoonKnight.