Gameboy Tile Designer Logo

Welcome to the Gameboy Tile Designer !

With the Gameboy Tile Designer ("GBTD"), you can draw tiles which you can incorporate in your own Gameboy productions.

Some of it's features are:

GBTD in different sizes.. With GBTD, you can design tiles in different sizes, including 8x8, 8x16, 16x16 and 32x32, both in standard Gameboy, as well as colors for the Super Gameboy and Gameboy Color. Examples can be shown as separate and in a group. Resizing is easy; simply select a different size from the menu, and GBTD will remap all tiles. All other tiles are shown and selected visually, making navigating through your tiles a snap. GBTD also has Flood fill, flipping, scrolling, rotating and Undo-support, to give your design-time that extra punch you are looking for.

Cut-and-Pasting with GBTD.. You can cut and paste tiles in and out of GBTD to other graphical programs, using the standard clipboard functionality under Windows. This means you can put any graphic-format you have inside you tiles. Using 'Split Copy and Paste', you can even import whole images, letting GBTD handle the tedious work of splitting those images into usable tiles. Next to these methods of importing, GBTD can import whole tilesets from files created by GBE, and binary files in various formats.

Direct export to various formats.. GBTD exports directly to RGBDS Assembly-source, Objectfile ("RGB1"), GBDK C-source, TASM Assembly-source, ISAS Assembly-source and flat binary, in a range of formats; it can also automatically add counters and compress the data, making conversion programs or editing by hand in most cases unneeded. It even generates include and header files, which state not only the labels, but also general info about the exported data. Also, all settings you make are saved for each individual tileset, so you don't have to remember which settings are appropriate for which tileset.

GBTD is Freeware !

The Gameboy Tile Designer is Freeware; you are allowed to use it in any way you want, without paying me anything. You are also allowed (and encouraged) to distribute this software, as long as you don't receive any payment for it. If you want to link your home page to GBTD, be sure to link it to this site, not directly to the downloadable file, as updates will receive different filenames. Keep in mind that you use this software at your own risk; any damage which might occur, in whatever form, is your own responsibility.


GBTD operates under Windows 95, 98 and NT4. GBTD does not have to be installed; simply download and unzip the package below and start GBTD.EXE. Keep all the accompanied files in the same directory, and associate .GBR-files to GBTD for maximum enjoyment. Check out the included README.TXT for more info.


GBTD22.ZIP: Gameboy Tile Designer v2.2 - 240K

Delphi 3 source is now available for GBTD.


Version Date Changes Reported by
2.2 28 August 1999 Fix: Palette-paste less prone to errors
NO$GMB Filter is now optional (under "Color set")
Added various hotkeys
Dark Fader
2.1 6 August 1999 NO$GMB GBC color filter (thanks to Martin)
Fix: 'Save file?'-dialog popped up too often

2.0 24 May 1999 Auto update! (see HLP for info)
768 tile-support
Palette Copy&Paste fixed (again..)
Various minor fixes

1.9 18 April 1999 Dropdown-list with palettes
ISAS Export format
Fix: "Palettes.." more keyboard-friendly
Fix: Palette-Copy&Paste didn't copy correctly


Micha van der Meer
1.8 17 January 1999 512 tiles support
Export: 'Split' for large tilesets

1.7 29 November 1998 Gameboy Color support
1.6 16 August 1998 Fix: Color Selector up-arrow fixed
Fix: 8x16 showcases work again
Color Selector shows SGB palette# as hint
Internal overhaul
Mike P Parks

1.5 9 August 1998 Export: Metatile support.
Import: Binary file support.
Jeff Frohwein
A whole bunch..
1.4 2 August 1998 Palette entries can now be exported.
Copy/Paste for palette colors.
Fixed SGB/GB palette behaviour.
Cleaned up showcases.

Neil Roberts
1.3 5 July 1998 Super Gameboy support.
Selection-visibility increased.
New export data-format: 'consecutive 4-color'.

1.2 16 May 1998 Bug fix: cursor inprecise when drawing constantly.
Internal clean-up (a bit faster, a bit less resources, etc).
Randy Robert Mongenel Jr.

1.1 9 May 1998 Faster screen-updates.
'Bookmarks' added.
Bug fix: Export filename not always shown correctly.
Bug fix: RGBDS Obj could not export to bank 0.
Cleaned up GBDK C export.
Various GUI tweaks.

Luc van der Borre

Luc van der Borre

1.0 18 January 1998 Gameboy color support.
INI file enhanced; customizable default settings added.
Filename is shown in title.
Various GUI glitches fixed.
Minor internal optimizations.

0.9 7 December 1997 New feature: 'Split Copy and Paste';
Copy and paste whole images to and from GBTD.
Various GUI glitches fixed.

0.8 30 November 1997 Compression fixed.
Tilesets no longer restricted to 128 tiles.

Anders Granlund
0.7 8 November 1997 Build-in GB-Compress support.
'Rotate clockwise' added.
Screen-update fixed when opening files.
TASM export-remarks fixed.


0.6 26 October 1997 'Flip colors' added.
Partial F1 help-support added.
Minor changes/fixes to HLP-file.
'Paste' fixed; it now handles non-default
palettes correctly.

0.5 27 june 1997 UI rearranged; design tools now have their
own toolbar and menu.
'Flood fill' added.
'Undo' added.
'Reopen' added.
Display-bug when importing GBE files has
been fixed.
Smoother handling of display when loading

Matt Currie

0.4 18 june 1997 Added Help File.
Interface cleanup:
- Pasting now uses the standard CTRL-V.
- Arrow-buttons now function as expected.
- Better key-handling.

Stephen Irons
Stephen Irons

0.3 11 june 1997 Export for 'TASM' added.
'Clear tiles' added.
'Nibble markers' added.
Guillermo Martorell

0.2 1 june 1997 Export for 'GBDK C' and 'Binary file' added.
Direct export via Ctrl-E or menu.
Faster startup.
Minor bug-fixes.

0.1 25 May 1997 Initial beta release.

Copyright 1999, H. Mulder