Cybiko Fonts File Format v1.0 by Jeff F. --------------------------------------- All info from Ernest S. Pazera. Offset 0x00: 0x01 //indicates this is a font file Offset 0x01: charcount //number of characters in the file Offset 0x02: maxwidth //maximum width of the characters Offset 0x03: maxheight //maximum height of the characters starting with offset 0x04, and continuing to the end of file are each of the characters. each of the character records look like this: (offsets based on the beginning of the character record) Offset 0x00: left //left coordinate of the image Offset 0x01: top //top coordinae of the image Offset 0x02: width //width of the image Offset 0x03: height //height of the image offsets 4 and above are the character bitmap information. a font is monochrome, and the bits read from msb to lsb, so a typical letter A in 8x8 would look like: 00110000=0x30 01111000=0x78 11001100=0xCC 11001100=0xCC 11111100=0xFC 11001100=0xCC 00000000=0x00 so, the character record for this letter would look like: ... 00 00 08 08 30 78 CC CC FC CC 00 ... from experiments, i've determined that the first character record corresponds to character 0x20 (the space character). i have found that 2pic.exe doesnt like too many input files, so using it to make fonts probably won't work. i figure 60 character records should be about the minimum for a font (to encompass the characters 0x20 through 0x7F and thus getting all of the ASCII characters). i imagine that cybiko's built in fonts probably go higher, since they have the (c) character. i'll have to play around some more...